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Pregnancy and pregnancy-related administrative procedures
Written by Florence BABUCHON, Head of Maternity, Polyclinique Inkermann (Niort).
Declaration of pregnancy
As soon as you find out you’re pregnant, you’ll need to make an appointment with a doctor (GP or gynaecologist) or a midwife for a dating scan. Don’t forget to bring any previous test results with you, and to note the date of your last period. Remember to declare your pregnancy to your local health insurance office (caisse d’assurance maladie) before the end of the 14th week of pregnancy (or before the end of the 16th week of amenorrhea); i.e. before the end of month three. Your primary caregiver will prepare the declaration for your local health insurance office (Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie, “CPAM”) and family allowance fund (Caisse d'Allocations Familiales, “CAF”).
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All you need to know about preparing for childbirth
Written by Marie-Paule CELSE, Head of Maternity, La Chataigneraie private hospital (Beaumont)
Early antenatal interview
The early antenatal interview, or the “4th month interview” can take place at any time during your pregnancy, although it’s best to arrange it as early as the fourth month of pregnancy. You can go alone or as a couple and no medical prescription is necessary. This interview can be organised with a GP, a gynaecologist, a liberal midwife, a midwife from the mother and child protection centre (“PMI”) or a midwife from the private or public maternity hospitality, if this option is available.
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All you need to know about pregnancy examinations
Written by Dr. Pelletier, Gynaecologist-Obstetrician, Polyclinique du Parc (Saint-Saulve)
The antenatal ultrasound scan is the first precious contact the couple has with their child and is essential for achieving certain major objectives in antenatal care.
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Packing your bag for labour
Written by Dylan, Founder of Premiers Moments
Helping your baby sleep
What should you pack for your baby’s first nights?
A sleep bag will keep your baby warm at night. It must be the correct size for infants (0-3 months, 50 cm), because if it’s too large, your baby could get lost inside, making it just as dangerous as a blanket. The sleep bag has to be warm, even in summer, since your baby can’t yet regulate body temperature.
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Everything you need to know about giving birth
Written by Dr. Ariane Zaique-Thouveny, gynaecologist-obstetrician at Polyclinique Majorelle (Nancy, France)
Breech birth
Breech presentation at term occurs in around 4 to 5% of pregnancies and requires specific care. If your obstetrician discovers your baby is breech at term, they’ll offer you several options.