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Oto-rhino-laryngologue (ORL)


Oto-rhino-laryngologue (ORL)

Dr Camelia PALAGE

Oto-rhino-laryngologue (ORL)

What is otorhinolaryngology?

Otorhinolaryngology treats diseases of the head and throat, or more specifically the ear (“oto”), nose (“rhino”) and the throat (“larynx”). This specialty, commonly referred to as ENT, thus covers the ear – external (pavilion, ear canal), middle (eardrum) and internal – the nose and sinuses, the throat (mouth, tongue, larynx, pharynx, trachea), salivary glands and the thyroid.


When to see an ENT specialist

A GP will usually refer you to an ENT specialist if you complain of parasitic noise (tinnitus of non-vascular origin), loss of hearing or continuous ear pain; if you suffer from repeated angina, colds or rhinopharyngitis; if you have difficulty swallowing (dysphagia); if your voice has abnormally changed (dysphonia) or if you are experiencing vertigo or sleep disorders, etc. Each organ of the head and throat can be affected in different ways – malformation, inflammation, tumour, paralysis, degeneration, etc., and the reasons for consulting an ENT specialist are multiple, concerning people of all ages.

What does an ENT specialist treat?

Infections and inflammations affecting the head and throat remain the most frequent reasons for consulting an ENT specialist: ear infections, mastoiditis, rhinitis, sinusitis, rhinopharyngitis, angina, tonsillitis, etc. ENT specialists are also often specialised in other fields such as oto-neuro-surgery, oncology, plastic surgery, phoniatrics or audiometry, thus being able to treat the whole head and throat. For example, in their role of cervico-facial surgeon, the ENT specialist can remove tonsils (tonsillectomy) and adenoids (adenoidectomy). They can operate on mastoid, sinuses and congenital malformations (oesophageal atresia), remove tumours (thyroid nodules, tongue and mouth tumours). They can also treat trauma and injuries, place prostheses, implants and conduct microsurgery to improve hearing. ENT specialists also work in the field of cosmetic surgery – rhinoplasty, eyelid and chin surgery, etc. They can treat vertigo and balance disorders when such are related to the ear (inner ear disorders, vestibular neuritis, Ménière's disease). The ENT specialist may also often work closely with an endocrinologist (thyroid disorders), an oncologist (malignant tumours) or a pulmonologist (snoring, sleep apnoea).