Prostate cancer

Cancer of the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system, is a common cancer. It develops from tissue cells that multiply uncontrollably.

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What is prostate cancer?

Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Prostate cancer occurs when cancer cells multiply uncontrollably in the prostate.

The majority of prostate cancers progress very slowly; symptoms only appear on average ten to 15 years after the appearance of the tumour when it is still very localised.

Other non-cancerous conditions, such as prostatitis and prostate adenoma, can affect the prostate and increase its size.

Who should I consult for a prostate exam ?

You should consult a urologist. Urology is a branch of medical surgery that deals with the kidneys, urinary tract, male reproductive system and adrenal glands. Your GP may also refer you to an oncologist, a cancer specialist.

How is the examination of the prostate carried out?

If your urologist suspects prostate cancer, they may perform a digital rectal exam to feel the prostate and detect any irregularities or changes in consistency. Blood is also taken to determine the level of PSA, which can indicate prostate pathology. The urologist may order other tests, including a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan.

What treatment is available for a prostate tumor ?

The treatment strategy depends on the characteristics of the cancer: its location, stage, degree of aggressiveness, hormonal sensitivity, and whether or not it has metastasised. To select the right treatment, the medical team will rely on the prostate biopsy results and the Multidisciplinary Team Meeting (MDT) conclusions. 

Drug treatments for prostate cancer are essentially treatments that interrupt the growth of cancer cells by blocking the secretion of testosterone. They can be very effective in treating “hormone-sensitive” tumours.


How can I obtain a visa?

To obtain your visa for France, you will need to apply to the French Embassy in your country of residence. Once you have paid the care cost estimate provided by the ELSAN International Patients Department, you will be sent a letter of invitation and a certificate of payment signed by the hospital where your procedure will take place.  These documents should be attached to your visa application.

What about follow-up treatment?

Depending on your personal situation, your medical team may recommend a rehabilitation hospital stay. This will be discussed with you.

How long before I can fly?

Your doctor will make specific recommendations. We suggest that you ask them to issue a Fit to Fly certificate, as depending on your medical situation, it may be necessary to respect a certain time limit in the interest of your health.

Will I be reimbursed?

For patients not covered by French health insurance, we provide an estimate of the cost of treatment. You should submit this estimate, along with your treatment plan, to your insurer to obtain their prior agreement, in accordance with your insurance policy.  

In some cases insurers will pay directly (avoiding any advance payments by the policyholder) or reimburse the policyholder on proof of payment (paid invoice). This will depend on your insurance policy. 

Our specialised clinics in cancer de la prostate


Saint Augustin Clinic


Santé Atlantique